Less Is More

The last couple of weeks I’ve been really impressed with the concept of “less is more.”

In a culture that thrives off more, having less has certainly become counter cultural – but it works.

This is one of the reasons – in my opinion – Apple has historically done well. There are less options.

So how does that play out in my own life?

I’ve been following No Sidebar since it launched. It’s been a great point of inspiration and reminder of implementing this in my life. One misconception about living with less, is it tends to have a Zen feel to it and that minimalism has to do with your furniture and plate patterns.

It doesn’t.

It’s a frame of mind. It’s a way of life.

Do you need more video games, TV shows, and films?

These are things that never clutter a home, but they can clutter your mind – and in some cases – add stress to your life.

In my work life, this mantra has also played well.

As I work on Open Church, ChurchMag, and some other things brewing in the background, I keep finding that simple solutions render higher quality results.

But it’s hard.

I am learning through this “journey of less” that it takes more thought and effort in every decision made, but the higher investment pays-off far more in the end.

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