Why I Am Trying to Avoid Fanboyism

My next computer might not be an Apple.

I know, it’s sounds crazy, but I’ve been really trying to think everything through.

“Fanboyism” is a very powerful groupthink dynamic and I don’t want to be sucked into it—again.

I remember when I made the switch from Windows to Apple. I became that person that said they would never go back, but alas, here I am entertaining the idea.

The truth of the matter is…

For less money you can buy the same quality of hardware.

Considering some of Apple’s latest decisions—glued laptop batteries and soldered RAM—I’m not happy with the direction Apple is headed right now. Moreover, my experience with an iMac is becoming frustrating as I am unable to clean-out the dust like I could with a Windows desktop.

I would like to handle simple maintenance on my own computer; moreover, going to an Apple store is no easy task for me.

Someone said to me recently, “Most people who make the switch from Windows to Apple are moving from a $400-500 laptop to a $1,000 MacBook Air.” While that’s not always the case, I tend to agree. I did the same thing comparing an iPhone to a cheap Android phone. It isn’t a good comparison.

So we shouldn’t be comparing apples and oranges.

We should be comparing like things, and since hardware ultimately is a wash, it comes down to the operating itself and the applications you want to use.

As I consider my next computer, I’ve done a couple of things:

  1. Tried the Windows 10 preview.
  2. Investigated alternative apps.

majority of the apps I use go both ways, so the point is mute. There are a few that are in question, so I’ve tried to see what kind of alternatives there are. So far, so good.

Everything has a trade off, so figuring out what those are and what I value most should be the way to base my decision.

As for the Windows 10 preview, I have been very impressed. I wouldn’t have any problems switching from OS X to Windows 10. Sure, there would be the typical speed bumps I experienced moving from Windows to OS X, but that’s it.

But, time will tell.

The final version of Windows 10 has not been released and I am not in the market for a new system as of yet. These are things that I will continue to mull over. In fact, I may even do a full series on ChurchMag surveying the decision process.

At the end of the day, there isn’t that big of a difference between all these systems for me.

Great people do great work and it isn’t because they are using a particular operating system.

That’s why I am desperately trying to stay away from fanboyism and making a decision based on what works best for me and not based on what works well for someone else—nor do I want to shame anyone else from doing the same.

2 responses to “Why I Am Trying to Avoid Fanboyism”

  1. GsimmonsSC Avatar

    I’ve never bitten the apple for my laptop/desktop needs although I have both an iPad and iPhone. Working in corporate IT, a Win machine is the most common platform to use to manage things. Some people use a Mac and do the necessary gyrations to make things work (dual boot and virtual machines). As more and more programs become apps or web based (think: adobe photoshop tools or Office 364), the hardware/OS platform you use will become less relevant. How that platform allows you to interact with your apps or web tools will matter. To that end, does a Linux distro get consideration if all your apps are web based (here’s looking at you Ubuntu, OpenSUSE, Fedora or Mint)

    1. Eric Dye Avatar

      It did come into consideration, but with using Adobe apps daily—and gaming on the weekends—it’s too much of a streatch for me.

      BTW, how is using the Apple mobile devices with your Windows system?

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