Do I Suck at Design?

Design. Creativity. Edge.

I love it.

There are some days I am so happy with what I create, and then there are days it seems like a 3-year old with a copy of The Print Shop could do better.

Design is a language and it’s important to my generation.

After I finished putting together a website for a client last week, I was very satisfied with how it turned out. It’s a reflection of the client and you get a feel for what they’re like when you see their site.


It feels good.

The funny thing is, I was redesigning some of my old work.

It was a client site I did several years ago.

When I finished the site then, I thought it was really awesome.

But today?

Today I am so happy to see that design go by the wayside and give the website a full refresh.

It’s funny how design changes and evolves. When I look at my old work, it looks so bad!?!

Is that what I’ll think about this website in another few years?

Do you know the feeling that I am talking about?

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